The Role of Pediatricians in Vaccinations

Vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to protect kids from many serious illnesses and diseases. Vaccines work by prompting the body to develop immunity, which prevents children from contracting certain diseases. Dr. Lora Folz, Dr. Hildegard Emslander, and Dr. Jason Hagely, the experienced pediatricians at JC Peds in Jefferson City, MO, offer vaccinations to keep kids healthy.

How Vaccines Work

When the body is exposed to an infectious agent, such as bacteria or a virus, the immune system responds by producing antibodies to fight the infection. Antibodies often remain in the body even after the infection is gone. The lingering presence of these antibodies is what builds immunity. If someone with antibodies is exposed to the same illness or infection again, the antibodies either prevent that person from getting sick or reduce the severity of the illness.

Vaccines work by prompting the immune system to develop antibodies in response to inoculated or inactive forms of infectious agents. Since the materials are inactive, the individual being vaccinated does not get sick. Further, the antibodies produced help prevent that person from getting sick with that particular illness or disease in the future.

Role of Pediatricians

Pediatricians play an important role in vaccinations for children. They are familiar with the vaccination and immunization schedules recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Pediatricians know how many doses of each vaccine is needed for complete immunization, as well as at what age each dose would be administered. Pediatricians also help children who are behind the typical vaccine schedule get caught up by following the recommended catch-up immunization schedule developed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Our providers will ensure your child remains current with all their vaccinations at Jefferson City, MO, pediatric office.

Safety of Vaccines

Another way pediatricians play an important role in vaccinations for kids is by reviewing the available research and literature on vaccination and immunization to be familiar with the safety and effectiveness of the different vaccines. Each vaccine undergoes rigorous and extensive scientific and medical testing to ensure it is safe and effective. All vaccines listed on the recommended vaccination and immunization schedules are considered to be safe, as well as effective in preventing disease.

Vaccinations protect children from numerous diseases, some of which can be deadly. Your child’s pediatrician will play a key role in ensuring your child remains up to date with the vaccination and immunization schedule. Arrange an appointment Dr. Folz, Dr. Emslander, or Dr. Hagely for your child’s vaccinations in Jefferson City, MO, by calling JC Peds at (573) 606-7337.

JC Peds, LLC

1705 Christy Dr. Suite 210,
Jefferson City, MO, 65101
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(573) 606-7337
(573) MØM-PEDS



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7:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 am - 1:00 pm 



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